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FTP compile error of :LNK2019

Nov 21 '16 at 11:12

I want to uss chilkat for transfer files by ftp protocol. I use the lib at win64 by vs2015. I have not compile the project success.all the time,the errors are LNK2019... May I ask a Question ,please Help me,thanks.Is there everybody who can give me document how to bulid this project ? 0.I use the sample file is: [

include <ckftp2.h>

include <ckftp2progress.h>

class ftpProgress : public CkFtp2Progress {

public: ftpProgress() { } virtual ~ftpProgress() { }

void PercentDone(int percentDone, bool *abort) { std::cout << "Percent Done: " << percentDone << "rn"; }

void ProgressInfo(const char name, const char value) { std::cout << name << ": " << value << "rn"; }


void ChilkatSample(void) { CkFtp2 ftp; ftpProgress ftp_progress; ftp.put_EventCallbackObject(&ftp_progress);

//  Any string unlocks the component for the 1st 30-days.
bool success = ftp.UnlockComponent("Anything for 30-day trial");
if (success != true) {
    std::cout << ftp.lastErrorText() << "\r\n";


//  Connect and login to the FTP server.
success = ftp.ConnectOnly();
if (success != true) {
    std::cout << ftp.lastErrorText() << "\r\n";

success = ftp.LoginAfterConnectOnly();
if (success != true) {
    std::cout << ftp.lastErrorText() << "\r\n";

//  Change to the remote directory where the file is located.
//  This step is only necessary if the file is not in the home directory
//  of the FTP account.
success = ftp.ChangeRemoteDir("junk");
if (success != true) {
    std::cout << ftp.lastErrorText() << "\r\n";

const char *localFilename = "c:/temp/hamlet.xml";
const char *remoteFilename = "hamlet.xml";

//  Ensure that we get PercentDone callbacks.

//  Download the file.
success = ftp.GetFile(remoteFilename,localFilename);
if (success != true) {
    std::cout << ftp.lastErrorText() << "\r\n";

success = ftp.Disconnect();

std::cout << "File Downloaded!" << "\r\n";

] 1.I use following libs: ChilkatDbgDll_x64.lib ChilkatDbg_x64.lib ChilkatRelDll_x64.lib ChilkatRel_x64.lib vs2015,I modify the AdditionalDependencies include current lib folder. 3.I modify theAdditionalIncludeDirectories include current include folder. 4.But I all the time meet the error of LNK2019. 5.The error logs are more the following: 1>ChilkatDbgDll.lib(MsCertificate.obj) : error LNK2019: 无法解析的外部符号 impCryptDecodeObject@28,该符号在函数

I hope someone can help me ,if can send a email for available project to me is best.I am a newer to study C++,But I want to learn it beterr. Thanks a lot.