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Zip .NET Progress Monitoring and Event Callbacks?

Nov 28 '12 at 11:21

We are using Chilkat Zip .NET to zip and unzip data sets. Some data sets are large and zip/unzip can be lengthy. I have not been able to find a way to show the progress of the zip or unzip (number of files processed, percent complete).

I there a way to do this ?

If not, we'll need to show a "Please wait" dialog followed by a "ZIP created" message when it it complete.


Here are links to web pages with information:

C# Unzip with Progress Monitoring / Event Callbacks

C# Create Zip with Progress Monitoring / Event Callbacks

Adding a Callback Event Handler in VB.NET

AbortCheck Event in Chilkat .NET Components

C# - Write Zip with Progress Monitoring and Abort Capability

VB.NET Unzip with Progress Monitoring Event Callbacks