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WindowsError: There is not enough space on the disk.

May 16 '13 at 16:43

Below is the error log from a test that I ran from our VFP application. (Win7 Professional, 64 bit 4GB Ram. 32 GB Flash drive) I see the zip file format has a limit of 4GB but according to the zip2 docs, the writezip or writezipclose commands are supposed to automatically switch to zip64 format when larger files are needed. It doesn’t appear to be doing that, because it is dying when it hits 4GB. Is there some implicit command I should be giving it to use zip64 to create larger files?



DllDate: Apr 17 2012

UnlockPrefix: COMPLEZIP

Username: BOB-PC:Bob

Architecture: Little Endian; 32-bit

Language: ActiveX

targetZipPath: G:\VETCCS\backup\

tempDir_ifNeeded: .

oemCodePage: 437

encryption: 0

passwordProtected: 0


  WindowsError: There is not enough space on the disk.

  WindowsErrorCode: 0x70


Data pipeline failure (1)

Uncompressed to compressed failed.

FailedFile: images\clients\18155-LETS GET AQUAINTED.PDF


  WindowsError: There is not enough space on the disk.

  WindowsErrorCode: 0x70


Data pipeline failure (1)

Uncompressed to compressed failed.

FailedFile: images\clients\18155-MED HISTORY PG1.PDF

There is 990 pages of this error then below is the end of the file


  WindowsError: There is not enough space on the disk.

  WindowsErrorCode: 0x70


NumCentralDirRecords: 6553

EndOfDirectoryOffset: 4294931368


  WindowsError: There is not enough space on the disk.

  WindowsErrorCode: 0x70


Failed because some files could not be zipped.





The error message is "WindowsError: There is not enough space on the disk."

This means there is not enough space on the disk.