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ChilkatDotNet2 in Windows 8.1 64bit

Feb 25 '14 at 04:28

Hi all I am using ChilkatDotNet2 on a W8.1 64bit laptop to upload to a Windows CE hand held terminal (as per parcel delivery drivers). Upload fails part way through the first or second file, error message as below. Files are 5 - 10 small txt files.

It downloads files from the terminal perfectly. Also, uploads run from a W7 32bit computer work fine.

Just won't do the W8.1 64bit uploads. I've tried passive and active. in VS2010 v.10.

Any suggestions welcome. Thank you.

ChilkatLog: MPutFiles: DllDate: Oct 19 2009 UnlockPrefix: SFOREVERFTP Username: Jonathan Component: .NET 2.0 fileCount: 13 totalByteCount: 26597 filename: C:My DocumentsPremier SolutionsPeriphery-GetFilesFromTerminals-pbinDebugCurrent Ref FilesInputsFTP.txt localFileSize: 409 restartNext: 0 ModeZ: 0 BinaryMode: 1 Active transfer mode Using ephemeral port range for Active data connection. dataPort: 64334 MyIP: 192,168,1,105,251,78 SetupDataSocketTimeMS: 0 command: STOR FilenameQP: InputsFTP.txt Begin waiting to accept Active data connection... DataConnectionReady: Elapsed time: 16 millisec StorResponse: 150 File status okay; about to open data connection. SendBufferSize: 524288 Sending uncompressed... uploadRate: 0 numBytesSent: 409 lastBytesSent: 75742C30313A31353A30302C312C312C Timeout waiting to read socket or accept connection timeoutMs: 60000 Failed to read FTP response line.. FinalReply: Elapsed time: 60015 millisec IdleTimeoutMs: 60000 NumBytesSent: 409 Failed to read 2nd STOR reply Filename: InputsFTP.txt filename: C:My DocumentsPremier SolutionsPeriphery-GetFilesFromTerminals-pbinDebugCurrent Ref FilesLog file for FTP 2010-09-17.txt localFileSize: 1678 restartNext: 0 ModeZ: 0 BinaryMode: 1 Active transfer mode Using ephemeral port range for Active data connection. dataPort: 64335 MyIP: 192,168,1,105,251,79 Timeout waiting to read socket or accept connection timeoutMs: 60000 Failed to read FTP response line.. PortReply: SetupActiveDataSocket: Elapsed time: 60000 millisec Failed to setup active data socket. Try using passive mode instead. elapsedTimeInSeconds: 120 Not all files transferred


Yes, you used a very old version. Test with the latest version and please use "pre" tags for formatting when posting to the forum.


I have updated the version to, and the result is the same: (it downloads files from the handheld terminal correctly, but only uploads part of the first file of the batch) ChilkatLog: MPutFiles: DllDate: Aug 15 2013 ChilkatVersion: UnlockPrefix: SFOREVERFTP Username: HP64:Jonathan Architecture: Little Endian; 32-bit Language: .NET 2.0 VerboseLogging: 0 ProgressMonitoring: enabled: yes heartbeatMs: 0 sendBufferSize: 65536 --ProgressMonitoring fileCount: 2 totalByteCount: 3111 filename: C:My DocumentsDatabase folderOutputsInput TicketPrices-EPOS-p.csv setupPassiveDataSocket3: hostAddr: --setupPassiveDataSocket3 skipFinalReply: 0 readFtpControlChannelReply2: Timeout waiting to read socket or accept connection timeoutMs: 1500 recvUntilMatch: Socket timeout. Failed to read FTP response line.. --readFtpControlChannelReply2 IdleTimeoutMs: 1500 NumBytesSent: 1534 Failed to read 2nd STOR reply remoteFtpFile: Input TicketPrices-EPOS-p.csv elapsedTimeInSeconds: 1 Not all files transferred --MPutFiles --ChilkatLog

Thanks for your replies.


    DllDate: Aug 15 2013
    UnlockPrefix: SFOREVERFTP
    Username: HP64:Jonathan
    Architecture: Little Endian; 32-bit
    Language: .NET 2.0
    VerboseLogging: 0
      enabled: yes
      heartbeatMs: 0
      sendBufferSize: 65536
    fileCount: 2
    totalByteCount: 3111
    filename: C:\My Documents\Premier Solutions\Periphery-TMp\Database folder\Outputs\Input TicketPrices-EPOS-p.csv
    skipFinalReply: 0
      Timeout waiting to read socket or accept connection
      timeoutMs: 1500
      recvUntilMatch: Socket timeout.
      Failed to read FTP response line..
    IdleTimeoutMs: 1500
    NumBytesSent: 1534
    Failed to read 2nd STOR reply
    remoteFtpFile: Input TicketPrices-EPOS-p.csv
    elapsedTimeInSeconds: 1
    Not all files transferred