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ssh.OpenDirectTcpIpChannel not opening

Nov 24 '14 at 01:51

I can create, open and autenticate a SSH object. but when i try to create a TCPIP-channel i get the following error:

ChilkatLog: OpenDirectTcpIpChannel: DllDate: Apr 14 2012 UnlockPrefix: xxx Username: xxx:developer Architecture: Little Endian; 32-bit Language: .NET 2.0 SshVersion: SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_4.5p1
hostname: port: 3391 channelType: direct-tcpip clientChannel: 0 clientInitialWindowSize: 327680 clientMaxPacketSize: 8192 directTcpHost: directTcpPort: 3391 originatorIP: originatorPort: 63180 Sent open channel request retval: -1 --OpenDirectTcpIpChannel --ChilkatLog

My code works with other SSHservers. Why doesn't any of the internal IP's work with this one?

// Connect to an SSH server: string hostname; int port;

        //  Hostname may be an IP address or hostname:
        hostname = SshServerIP;
        port = int.Parse(SshServerPort);

        bool success = ssh.Connect(hostname, port);
        if (success != true)
            string s = ssh.LastErrorText;

        //  Wait a max of 5 seconds when reading responses..
        ssh.IdleTimeoutMs = 5000;

        //  Authenticate using login/password:
        string user = SshServerUsername;
        string pass = SshServerPassword;
        success = ssh.AuthenticatePw(user, pass);//SshServerUsername, SshServerPassword);
        if (success != true)
            string s = ssh.LastErrorText;

        int channelNum;
        channelNum = ssh.OpenDirectTcpIpChannel(SshInternalIP, int.Parse(SshInternalPort));
        if (channelNum < 0)
            string s = ssh.LastErrorText;


You are using an old version. ALWAYS make sure to first see if the newest version fixes a problem. Release notes are at The version you are using is 2 years old...