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FTP over TSL with server cert

Apr 07 '15 at 09:17


Could you please provide an simple example to connect a client to an FTP server over TLS (found in your example section) but with a control of server's certificate (not found in your example section) ? It will be very helpful.



I don't exactly know what is meant by "with a control of server's certificate". Do you wish to access the server's certificate after connecting? If so, the example would include a call to ftp.GetSslServerCert() after the connection has succeeded. The GetSslServerCert method returns the Cert object (or CkCert, CkoCert, etc. depending on programming language).



Thanks for your answer. Actually I want to check if the server's certificate is good (not expired, provide by the correct source...). I'll try with this method (in VB6) and I'll post here the solution (if works) to complete your documentation (if you're OK).



Thanks! That sounds great.