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Registering a Chilkat ActiveX and testing it...

May 20 '15 at 15:17

Here is a checklist to follow exactly to register and test the 32-bit Chilkat DLL on a 64-bit Windows system:

  1. Make sure the 32-bit VC9 (Visual Studio 2008) redist libs are installed. See the section entitled "MSVC++ 9.0 Runtime Libs" at

  2. Download the 32-bit ActiveX DLL from here: Make sure to click on the link for the 32-bit DLL. It is contained in a .zip.

  3. Unzip to a new directory on your local hard drive.

  4. DO NOT put the DLLs in your system32 or syswow64 system directories. These directories SHOULD NOT be polluted with non-system files.

  5. DO NOT put the DLLs on a networked or mapped (non-local) hard drive. The DLLs should be in a folder on the "C" drive.

  6. Unzip into the folder of your choice.

  7. Make sure the Chilkat ActiveX DLL is the ONLY DLL in the folder where it exists.

  8. Run the register_x64.bat batch script AS ADMINISTRATOR.

  9. Test creating an ActiveX object by creating and running a simple VBScript. The download provides a testCreateObject.bat and testCreateObject.vbs script. DO NOT RUN the .vbs directly. Run the .bat instead, which runs the .vbs in 32-bit mode (using the 32-bit cscript). If you run the .vbs directly, it will run as a 64-bit process and will be looking in the 64-bit registry for the 64-bit ActiveX. The cscript needs to run 32-bit so it looks in the 32-bit registry for the 32-bit ActiveX.