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Problem when body includes doctype or xmlns

Sep 08 '15 at 11:26

When using ActiveX component, if the body text (emailBody=) starts with <!doctype html> or with <html klzzwxh:0000="" 1999="" xhtml'=""> then the entire body is sent as text instead of as HTML. How can I include these parts in an HTML email?


You would need to show a clear and simple example that demonstrates how to reproduce the problem. There are many ways to do what you described -- perhaps some ways work and others encounter this problem.


I am using a page like the sample here: using Amazon AWS as the smtp, and sending to a Gmail email address

If I do email.Body = "This is a test" works fine - I get an email saying "This is a test".

If I do email.Body = "<html>This is a test</html>" also works fine - I get an email saying "This is a test".

If I do email.Body = "<!doctype html><html>This is a test<html>" or "<html klzzwxh:0003="" 1999="" xhtml'="">This is a test </html>" then Gmail changes the doctype (which is fine) but I get back the entire HTML and not just "This is a test"