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Explicit FTP on TLS

Oct 08 '15 at 14:24


I am able to establish a connection to a secure FTP server using Filezilla with the log below

Status: Resolving address of Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Status: Initializing TLS... Status: Verifying certificate... Status: TLS connection established. Status: Connected Status: Retrieving directory listing... Status: Directory listing of "/" successful

but attempting to do this programatically using FTP2 and C# just does not work - always returning a 301 (login) error- but I know the username and password are correct

Code is : Chilkat.Ftp2 myftp = new Chilkat.Ftp2(); bool unlock = myftp.UnlockComponent("K...................................."); myftp.AuthTls = true; myftp.Ssl = false; myftp.Hostname = ""; myftp.ConnectOnly(); myftp.ClearControlChannel(); myftp.ConvertToTls();

        myftp.Username = "";
        myftp.Password = "z.............";


        bool success= myftp.Connect();

Any help would be appreciated


Remove the calls to ClearControlChannel and ConvertToTls -- they are not needed. When the AuthTls property = true, the connection is automatically converted to TLS. Examine the LastErrorText after calling ConnectOnly to see..


Thanks your help much - connects OK after myftp.ConnectOnly() Weird the 301 error after the myftp.Username = ""; myftp.Password = "z.............";


as I know the username and password are correct (copied over directly from filezilla)


Suddenly burst into like, many thanks for your help