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.NET Chilkat IMAP Contacts

Jan 31 '16 at 14:57

How do you extract the contacts from IMAP (Contacts folder) ? All I managed to do, was to extract the names. Here is a log (0-13 it's the header field number | field name -> field value) 0 | Subject -> Bridonn (this is the name)

1 | Date -> Sun, 28 Oct 2012 20:45:58 +0000 (GMT)

2 | Content-Type -> text/x-vcard; charset=utf-8

3 | Content-Transfer-Encoding -> 8bit

4 | ckx-imap-uid -> 560

5 | ckx-imap-isUid -> YES

6 | ckx-imap-seen -> YES

7 | ckx-imap-answered -> NO

8 | ckx-imap-deleted -> NO

9 | ckx-imap-flagged -> NO

10 | ckx-imap-draft -> NO

11 | ckx-imap-flags -> \Seen \Recent

12 | ckx-imap-totalSize -> 328

13 | ckx-imap-numAttach -> 0

I am usig

For i = 0 To bundle.MessageCount - 1

Dim email As Chilkat.Email

email = bundle.GetEmail(i)

For i3 As Integer = 0 To email.NumHeaderFields


Console.WriteLine(i3 & " | " & email.GetHeaderFieldName(i3) & " -> " & email.GetHeaderFieldValue(i3))

Catch ex As Exception

End Try




Chilkat implements the IMAP protocol, and I think the contacts would be something outside the scope of IMAP...