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G_SvcOauthAccessToken Change aud URL

Jun 16 '15 at 11:37


Do you think it's possible to change the uad parameter HTTP.inSvcOauthAccessToken? Because Google Analytics API not us "" but another URL

thank in advance Davide


This new build provides a G_SvcOauthAccessToken2 method where a ChilkatHashtable is passed for the 1st arg instead of each of the three claim set params ("iss", "scope", and "sub"). This is more open-ended and allows for future unforeseen args to be added.

See the online reference documentation here:

Also see the example here:

The hash table class is a new addition to v9.5.0.51 (to be released soon) and will be useful in future cases such as this. It duplicates the hash table functionality in many programming languages, but may be helpful in some programming languages without hashtable functionality. (It also provides a uniform hashtable API across programming languages, even though it maybe simpler and less extensive.)


I'll add this ability in the next few days. What programming language, operating system, .NET Framework, architecture, etc. do you need so I can provide the exact build?


Thanks! ActiveX 32bit